YORK has proven itself to have some of the best upcoming gymnasts in the county.

Indeed, three teams from the York Community Gymnastics Foundation, located between the city centre and Heworth, have enjoyed great success at the North Yorkshire White Rose Tournament.

The five-strong junior boys' first team, aged from seven to 11, won their competition, and the club was only denied a superb one-two by Goole Gym Club, who beat their 'B' team into second place.

The competition saw the youngsters complete the floor exercise and vault, with the best four individual scores from each quintet counting towards the team's mark.

Similarly, the girls' team from the York club, aged from 15 to 18, won their section too.

And their achievement was all the more special as they only had the minimum four girls in the team rather than five.

Said coach Noel Preece: "All the youngsters did superbly and they've deservedly come away with a fair few medals."

Updated: 12:13 Friday, October 26, 2001