CAMPAIGNERS threatened to show GNER the 'red card' today - after the company admitted that well-heeled law-breakers have been illegally parking in York station disabled bays.

The Evening Press has learned that orange badge holders have been unable to leave their cars in disabled spaces in GNER's long stay car park, at the station.

But while they have then parked elsewhere and struggled to the station with their luggage, luxury cars have been using the "protected" disabled places.

A spokesman for GNER said the company was aware of the situation and confirmed that it could happen when the car park inspector was not at work.

But a spokeswoman for the national Disability Rights Association said the company was breaching a Government act by not ensuring the bays were kept free for needy people.

And Lynn Jeffries, of the York Coalition of Disabled People, which issues yellow cards to businesses which do not properly cater for people with mobility problems, said she would give the company a red card if things didn't change.

A GNER spokesman said: "Our car park inspector has been away for a couple of days and he would look after issues of this kind.

"We are aware of this. It can happen if the full time member of staff is not in. We would warn people not to do it and to recognise that the disabled parking bays are there for a good reason. Those that do park in disabled bays risk a fine."

A Disability Rights Association spokeswoman said: "These bays are covered by the Disability Discrimination Act.

"This action, if it is true, is an infringement of this act. Companies must provide an equal service to disabled motorists looking to use the car park."

And Mrs Jeffries added: "I am appalled this has been going on but I'm not surprised.

"The company is just not disability aware, which is a shame. I would be quite happy to give them a yellow card, in fact it could be red."

Updated: 08:27 Friday, October 26, 2001