ROLAND Harris is to retire as chief executive of the York and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce next Spring, it was disclosed today.

Mr Harris, 57, of Kirk Hammerton, who has completed five years as chief executive, told the Chamber Board: "It's time for me to hand over to a new pair of hands."

The Chamber's management board has now set up a small working group to find a successor.

Mr Harris, who was previously a director and a former president of the regional chamber, said: "I have greatly enjoyed my job and my earlier involvement but there comes a time when you decide to do a lot of the things which have eluded you - like playing golf with my wife, Lucinda, and pursuing my passion for military history.

"Technically, I've planned to leave in April, but will stay on until the end of June if there is difficulty finding a successor. Whichever, I will always be available to support the Chamber with whom I have had a long and happy relationship..

"The Chamber has a good profile and is now recognised as a strong, independent voice for local business."

During his term of office membership has increased from a little more than 400 to 520 plus six affiliate organisations representing another 800 businesses around the county.

Among the highlights were the fusion of the organisation into a federation of Chambers with Leeds and Bradford under Chamber Management Services; becoming the focal point for businesses during the floods last year; and facing up to a breakaway group, the York Chamber of Trade, which opposed his approval of the plans for Coppergate II.

A former district postmaster at York and later director of sales and customer services (north east) of the Royal Mail based in Leeds, Mr Harris became president of the York and North Yorkshire Chamber in April 1994 and was appointed chief executive in 1996.

Before joining the Royal Mail, Mr Harris worked for British Airways for 22 years in a range of jobs covering route planning, inter-airline and government negotiation, marketing, sales and general management for both air freight and passenger traffic.

He worked in Saudi Arabia and the US and concluded his career with the airline as general manager for the North of England.

Updated: 09:19 Tuesday, December 04, 2001