YORK residents put their green fingers to the test when they spent the day working on trees on Clifton Green.

Local people were joined by members of the York Tree Warden Group for some light pruning work to celebrate the end of National Tree Week.

The activities were so successful that similar events will now be organised for the future.

Neil Griffin, chairman of the Clifton Green Committee, said: "We had a great day, there were about eight volunteers to help us and we had fun in the sun. It was a bit cold, but when you are working you don't notice it.

"Because of the success we are going to do more similar days in the future, linking Clifton Green Committee with the tree warden.

"We were pruning the suckers, which are the little side shoots on the tree, and we improved the general shape of the saplings, as well as taking the side shoots off the long-established trees.

"We will probably have to do this about two or three times a year.

"The result will be better-looking trees, healthier trees and an improved vista around Clifton Green."

National Tree Week aims to encourage community involvement in tree-related activities.

Updated: 12:30 Thursday, December 06, 2001