RESIDENTS will come first this weekend at tourist attractions across York when free entry and special offers will abound for citizens of this fair city.

Museums, entertainment venues, churches, historic buildings, shops and restaurants are getting together to give York residents a treat of a weekend.

The aim of the weekend, organised by the First Stop York tourism partnership, is to thank residents for the way they show hospitality to tourists all the year round, and to encourage them to bring more visitors to the city by recommending favourite places to friends and relatives.

A huge range of attractions is involved this year as usual, offering free entry to residents who show a York card and proof of their address.

They include the National Railway Museum, where normal entry is now free for most of the year. Free steam train rides will be on offer there over the weekend.

It is also offering a free copy of its book, York Through The Eyes Of The Railways, to the first 500 York families or groups arriving at the museum on Saturday and Sunday morning.

Another example is Bedern Hall, a 14th century hall behind Goodramgate, which is being opened to the public by the Gild of Freemen of the City of York.

A display of artefacts from the Mystery Plays will be laid on, along with floral arrangements, and freemen will be on hand to show off historic archives.

Restaurants and hotels are also offering set-price menus during the weekend in the annual Residents' Feast promotion, with a handful offering free cream teas.

Advance tickets for the cream teas, as well as lots of other information, will be available at the Residents First information point in Parliament Street, York, open on Saturday from 9am and Sunday from 10am.

Also at the information point will be representatives from event sponsors Yorkshire Water who will be available to give out information about a major sewer survey taking place in the city.

Updated: 14:37 Thursday, January 24, 2002