PLANS to build a bandstand to mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee have been shelved by Malton councillors.

The ambitious proposals were put forward as a way of commemorating this summer's events.

But the plans have been abandoned in favour of a dozen hanging baskets celebrating Her Majesty's Jubilee.

Coun Stan Johnson said they were not prepared to spend taxpayers' money on the scheme, which could have cost upwards of £50,000.

He said: "I was never for it, I thought it was a waste of money.

"How many days in the year would we actually have used it? We can only spend money once and we do look after ratepayers' money carefully."

Malton Town councillors resolved to put up the hanging baskets and columns in the town, subject to approval from Ryedale District Council and the Fitzwilliam (Malton) Estate. Coun Johnson said: "We will be putting in up to a dozen metal hanging baskets around Malton.They will be in celebration of the Golden Jubilee, with special plaques marking the occasion."

Town mayor Jane Wilford said the idea of a bandstand in the town had not been thrown out entirely.

She said: "We were shocked at the cost involved, it was much more than we had anticipated. We felt that it was unrealistic to expect it to be achieved in time for the Jubilee."

Coun Wilford said a working party had been established to continue looking at the possibility.

She said: "Quite a few councillors are interested in the idea of siting a riverside community park behind The Lodge.

"One of the possibilities for the future is to put a bandstand there."

Updated: 10:18 Friday, January 25, 2002