A TEENAGER who attacked and chased a youth through north York in a drink-and-drugs-fuelled assault was today starting a custodial sentence.

The 17-year-old used four weapons as he tried to steal his victim's phone and other items, York Youth Court heard.

In an unprovoked and lengthy attack using a bottle and stones, he hit the youth in the face near his eye and pursued him along a path towards a hospital in north York.

The court heard the face wound needed five stitches.

Released on bail, the teenager was caught red-handed as he ransacked a flat.

After hearing details of the assault and the burglary from prosecutor Vivienne Walsh, youth justices gave the attacker a detention and training orders totalling 22 months.

The teenager, aged 17, from north York, pleaded guilty to assault with intent to rob, burglary and interfering with a vehicle.

His solicitor, John Howard, said the attacker had grown up in violent surroundings and violence was the norm for him. He had had a bottle of vodka and taken LSD before the assault.

Youth justices said the attack was sustained over time and distance and involved four weapons. He had not admitted his guilt early enough and he knew the victim in the burglary.

He had failed to respond to non-custodial sentences.

Updated: 11:43 Wednesday, January 30, 2002