SPARE a thought for people on limited incomes who live in York and wish to buy a house.

Five years ago they would have stood a chance. Now they are priced out of the market. The best they can hope for is to buy a cheaper house in Selby or somewhere else outside York. They will then have to spend hours travelling to and from work.

Green Belt policy pushes up house prices in York. Potential sites for development in the city are few and far between so prices are high.

If homes could be built on the land around the city the market would be freed up and prices would fall. But because of the green belt no development can take place there.

So, sites within the city such as the Bootham Terrace football ground and the Barbican are eyed up by land-hungry developers. Football fans know Bootham Crescent is worth more as a building plot than it is as the home of York City.

Why can't the council give permission to the owners of Bootham Crescent to build on an equivalent tract of green belt of their choice, then hand over the club to York City's real fans?

Build on the green belt not on our football pitches!

Geoff Beacon,

Belle Vue Street, York.

Updated: 10:25 Wednesday, January 30, 2002