COPPERGATE inspector Tony Bingham took a break from the Guildhall to view sections of York central to his inquiry.

The Government appointed inspector has been hearing arguments for and against the proposed £60 million Coppergate Riverside scheme for the past four weeks.

He toured York yesterday to see at first-hand the issues that were being considered.

Sites visited included Clifford's Tower, where he viewed the area which would be affected by the proposed offices, shops and housing that would stretch from land in the shadow of Clifford's Tower into Piccadilly.

He was accompanied by campaigners for and against the scheme. Philip Crowe of York Tomorrow, which wants to see parkland replace the existing car park beside Clifford's Tower, said Mr Bingham expected to visit Piccadilly and the Eye of York, which would be directly affected by the proposals.

He was also intending to walk down Micklegate, where he will be shown empty shops which protesters argue demonstrate the effect Coppergate Riverside would have on the city centre.

He has already viewed out-of-town shopping centres including Naburn and Monks Cross.

Updated: 08:44 Thursday, February 07, 2002