A POPULAR former dance instructor has died in York District Hospital, aged 96.

Clarice Tudor ran the Three Graces Dance School in Clifford Street between the 1930s and 1950s with her two sisters, Phylis and Doris.

The trio had previously performed musical comedy in venues across Britain.

Mrs Tudor, who was an acrobatic and tap-dancing specialist, lived with her daughter, Dawn, in Fishergate, following the death of her husband, Douglas.

Dawn, 62, said: "Lots of people thought she was a great teacher and were inspired to go on and make names for themselves.

"I went on to run my own dance school in Hull Road, so I guess she rubbed off on me.

"She was a very down-to-earth person and very kind."

Former students from the Three Graces Dance School held a reunion in York last year.

Mrs Tudor's funeral will take place at York Crematorium on Monday, at 11am.

Updated: 11:57 Thursday, February 07, 2002