ONCE again legitimate debate about an important issue - in this case the MMR vaccine - is being sidetracked by the cult of personality.

Column inches are being devoted to the burning question: has Leo Blair had his jabs?

Whatever my view of the Blairs, I would prefer to base decisions about my children's health on properly- researched information and careful thought, rather than on whether or not Tony and Cherie think it's a good idea.

Newspaper editors may think that the headline 'Baby Leo not brought up in strict accordance with Government policy - shock' will stir the punters. Those of us in the real world are slightly more cynical.

We know politicians are hypocrites. We know they use their families when it suits them and cry privacy when it doesn't. We are not that gullible.

'Scientists covering up research on dangers of MMR' or 'Scientists scaremongering for no good reason' are headlines we would care about.

Parents want honesty, not the latest episode of Mrs Blair's Diary.

Jane Roberts,

Irwin Avenue, York.

Updated: 10:58 Friday, February 08, 2002