ZANY students dressed as chimney sweeps, Mary Poppins, Alice in Wonderland and Buzz Lightyear for their charity rag parade through the streets of York, marking the end of rag week.

More than 200 students from the University of York's seven colleges donned movie-themed costumes for the procession, which was raising money for the Lord Mayor's charities, St Leonard's Hospice and Age Concern.

Students paraded on foot behind a brightly-decorated double-decker bus, from the Eye of York to Parliament Street, collecting cash in buckets along the way.

The traditional floats were scrapped this year due to concerns about safety.

Organiser Pete Bowles was thrilled by the success of the day. He said they raised more than £1,300, which was double the amount of last year.

"The whole day was absolutely fantastic - it went really well," he said.

"I would like to say a big thank-you to everyone who got involved."

A party, which included a bouncy castle and karaoke machine, was later held at Vanbrugh College.

Updated: 11:38 Monday, February 11, 2002