ATTEMPTS to ease access to York's buses have met with opposition from residents who have raised safety fears.

Locals have objected to plans to build a bus shelter outside 216 Mount Vale, between The Mount and Tadcaster Road, because it would be only metres from a pedestrian crossing.

They claim stationery buses could block the view of traffic coming towards the crossing.

But City of York Council planners claim it would have no effect on safety.

"The proposed stop is located approximately one bus length north of the pedestrian crossing," said Matthew Ward, the council's transport planner.

"As the pedestrian crossing is a central refuge, no view to the left is required when the inbound carriageway is crossed as pedestrians can wait safely at the refuge.

"Should a bus be stopped, pedestrians will be in a safe position to see oncoming outbound traffic."

Residents have also claimed the new stop would be visually unattractive, and it would result in the loss of at least two car parking spaces.

A petition signed by 20 residents has been received by the council, although another two residents have given the plan their support.

The bus stop would be used by First's Metro route number four, which links Acomb, the city centre and the University of York.

Mr Ward said: "The purpose of this new stop is to reduce the walking distance to the York-bound bus stop for residents of Mount Vale Drive and St George's Place, particularly the elderly residents of Brackenhill."

Council planners will be recommended to approve the proposal when they meet today.

Updated: 08:54 Tuesday, February 12, 2002