A £2.2 million traffic system is to be officially opened today.

The roundabout improvements scheme on the A19 and the A1237 is the last part of the Rawcliffe Bar Park and Ride development, aimed at allowing traffic, including the buses, on one of York's busiest access roads to flow freely.

City of York Council's planning and transport spokesman, Councillor Dave Merrett, will unveil a plaque today to mark the completion of the scheme.

And local schoolchildren will be the first to cycle through a new underpass built into the road network.

Paul Hepworth, of the Cyclists Touring Club, said the new underpass linked Skelton to the Clifton Moor cycle network, Park and Ride and the Sustrans link to York, via Clifton Ings.

"It will encourage more local journeys to be made by bicycle, for shopping, commuting and travel to school. It will also offer a safe link into York's countryside, for recreational cyclists," he added.

Updated: 08:51 Tuesday, February 12, 2002