I HAVE long advocated the change to tabloid format for the Evening Press for many reasons, primarily for ease of handling.

As we become more advanced in years and, like me, get well past our sell-by date, holding a broadsheet becomes more difficult.

The tabloid is modern, the broadsheet is an anachronism.

I realise there is a lot of prejudice about tabloids, a name used as a term of derision, inferring that all papers this size belong to the dregs of the newspaper industry.

But that no longer applies. Some of the best British newspapers are tabloids, such as the Daily Mail.

It was a great day when the Saturday issue of the Evening Press changed to the more concise version. Let's hope the rest of the week will now do likewise.

Keith Smith,


Upper Poppleton,


...I AGREE with the idea of the Evening Press changing to tabloid size all week. I was the person who rang Radio York complaining of Friday evening's paper being in bits, and asking why we could not have the Saturday paper size all week.

I thought I had better show my support by writing in.

Dorothy Atkin,

Church Lane,

Appleton Roebuck,


I BATTLE with the pages,

Five days of the week.

The size is uncontrollable

And makes me want to shriek!

Now! Saturday's a pleasure,

No battle on your hands.

Let's have that size all week


In up-to-date new plans.

Anne Chelton,

Foss Islands Road,


...THE Saturday tabloid version of the Evening Press is so much better, easier to read and more interesting because it has more pages!

Please kick out the broadsheet - my table is not big enough to cope with the size.

Kristine Livingstone,

Middlethorpe Grove,


...I most definitely would prefer the paper to be in tabloid form every night of the week.

As a senior citizen I find the tabloid is much easier to handle and read.

My late husband who had lost the use of one arm found the broadsheet very difficult to handle.

Mrs J Willits,

Bishophill Senior, York.

...WE have been taking the Evening Press ever since we move into this area ten years ago.

We would much prefer to have the size changed to the tabloid size. It's so much easier to hold when you are getting old and arthritic.

Vera and Tony Ruddick,



Updated: 10:24 Friday, March 01, 2002