AS a resident of York for 70 years I have always been under the impression new buildings or alterations in York should be designed to fall in with the immediate area's existing buildings.

There have been a few buildings erected in York during my lifetime which have not found favour with York residents but have been approved by York council. One such building is Stonebow House. This building, in the opinion of many, is an eyesore which should be demolished.

There appears to be such a high demand for housing in York that every piece of land in the city is being developed. On most of these developments the council appears to be very strict on what design should be acceptable with the surrounding properties. With past experiences such as Stonebow House you would believe that new eyesores would be a thing of the past.

But no, if you would care to go to Sixth Avenue, Tang Hall, and view apartments which have just been completed, (February 26), you will see a building which has as much in common with the area as a pyramid next to Clifford's Tower.

It would also be interesting to know where families, couples, single and elderly people live in a harmonious manner in an apartment block. The combination is not what can be called ideal.

Mr W Maddison,

Mill Lane, York.

Updated: 10:45 Monday, March 04, 2002