Q I worry about small things most of the time. How do I stop myself from worrying so much so that I can look forward to the future?

A Firstly take heart, you are not alone in worrying about everyday things. Lets be honest about it, in this day and age there are enough things to worry about, if you choose to, to keep you going for year.

It would be easy for me to tell you to set some goals for your future and look forward to achieving them, but how do you stop worrying about your present situation? Try one, or all, of the following:

u Find some daily "me time". Time when you can sit and create in your mind a place where you can retreat and relax. Imagination is free. Create a personal paradise which only you know about and only you can enter. It can be a secluded beach, or a mountain cabin for instance. Build the picture vividly. Once you are there, in your mind, you can relax totally. Call this time your PQT... personal quiet time.

u Find a mentor you can talk openly with. They can be living or deceased, it doesn't matter. Talk to them, ask them "how would you handle this situation"? If they are no longer with us ask "how would they have handled it"? Using this method stimulate the mind to search for solutions instead of dwelling on the problem.

Some other ways to reduce worry are:

u Give yourself a physical break. Go for a walk or just move away from your workplace. A ten-minute 'power nap' can leave you regenerated and relaxed.

u Use laughter as a medicine. Watch your favourite video or a 'feel good' film. Robin Williams in Patch Adams is a wonderful cure for the blues.

Updated: 10:38 Monday, March 04, 2002