THE people of York breathed a collective sigh of relief following the news the city's soccer club has been saved from the threat of closure.

A new dawn for York City was heralded yesterday as motor racing boss John Batchelor completed his takeover.

The news ended months of uncertainty surrounding the club and came just 16 days before the Minstermen would have faced certain oblivion.

People on the streets of York expressed their joy and relief at the news.

Ferry Hunt, 16, of Holgate, is a regular visitor to Bootham Crescent with his school friends.

"I think it's brilliant news," he said.

"I thought we had gone down the pot hole.

"John Batchelor is like a great white knight sent to save us.

"I'm hopeful of big successes in the future."

Andy Bingham, 22, of Heworth, has supported the Minstermen for eight years. He said: "I think it's fantastic - it's what we've all been waiting for. I never believed we were dead and buried.

"It's inevitable we will have to leave Bootham Crescent in the future but hopefully we will settle somewhere near the city centre.

"This is a great time for the city."

Lynne Townend, of Mount Vale Drive, off Tadcaster Road, whose two sons, Andrew and Richard, are City fanatics, said she was delighted. "I'm pleased Mr Batchelor has bought it because he has obviously got a lot of business sense," she said. I'm sure he will secure us better players and improve facilities and bring a bit of excitement to the city. I've got faith that this will now give us the impetus to move up a few divisions. We will be up there with the big boys. My sons are ecstatic."

Mr Batchelor has vowed to make City "the most unusual team" in the Football League.

Updated: 10:30 Saturday, March 16, 2002