YORK will be joining in the Queen's Jubilee celebrations, despite a third of councils around the country ignoring this summer's anniversary.

City of York Council will be announcing plans to mark the event in two weeks time after a special committee set-up to organise the events finalises its proposals.

The committee, made up of council officers, has been holding talks about the Queen's 50th anniversary on June 3 and how the city can mark the occasion.

York will also be joining in the special baton relay running through 20 Commonwealth countries and through the UK from March, to mark the anniversary and to officially open the Commonwealth Games opening in Manchester in July.

A spokesman for the council said: "We are, of course, delighted that York will be playing a role in the Queen's Jubilee baton relay which is being staged as part of the run up to the Commonwealth Games in July.

"However, we are also planning a major city event for all the family in June to mark the Jubilee itself. The council is actively working on the details of that event at the moment and an announcement on what we are planning will be made early next month."

The nationwide celebrations are set to take place over an extended weekend from Saturday, June 1, to Tuesday, June 4.

But plans around the county are not so definite.

North Yorkshire County Council has so far made no plans - and although celebrations have not been ruled out, nothing is being followed-up at the moment.

Joanne MacDonald, secretary to the chairman of Selby District Council, Coun Wally Norton, said nothing had been planned. Hambleton District Council is not marking the occasion, but is offering residents wanting to hold an event a free advisory service through the leisure services department.

In Ryedale, ambitious plans to build a bandstand have been shelved by Malton councillors in favour of a series of commemorative hanging baskets.

If you would like to take part in the jubilee baton race which passes through York on July 5, nomination forms are available through the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, whose organisers will be making the selection in this area. Sharrona Benton, at the award scheme office, can be contacted on 01904 541801.

Forms are also available from the YORtime office, at 20 Back Swinegate, and from the Barbican, as well as the Commonwealth Games website, on www.commonwealth-games.com or by calling the games information line, on 0870 609 2002.

Meanwhile, a patriotic York firm hopes to supply every school in the country with bunting and Royal memorabilia for the Golden Jubilee. York Catering Supplies, which was granted the Queen's consent to produce commemorative memorabilia for the occasion in June, has leafleted more than 10,500 schools to offer its services.

The Walmgate-based firm, which supplies cutlery and crockery to the catering trade, has produced personalised china beakers, cups and mugs, along with miles of colourful bunting.

Updated: 12:03 Tuesday, January 29, 2002