THE dream of a green Christmas is being made reality by guidelines put out by the PlanetYork team.

Christmas is traditionally a bad time for the environment, with estimates showing an expected 27,000 tonnes of packaging and 83 square kilometres of wrapping paper will be thrown away in Britain.

Winter electricity consumption sees an average 98 per cent rise from the summer months, meaning more global warming carbon dioxide emissions. The PlanetYork project, which aims to make York the most energy efficient city in Britain, involves partners including the Energy Saving Trust, City of York Council and the Evening Press. They have teamed up with npower, which sponsors York's Christmas lights, to publish a list of guidelines which could make this year's Christmas greener, which include using cards and wrapping paper made from recycled paper, closing curtains at dusk to conserve heat, only turning on Christmas tree lights after dark.

Updated: 16:31 Monday, December 17, 2001