MY husband and I read with interest the article by Catherine Bruce, regarding David Simpson's complaint of the state of the River Foss, which he has observed from his window in Rowntree's Wharf (March 28).

We are residents, and my feelings are the same: it is an eyesore. The rubbish is horrendous. A lot of it comes through the 'sluice gate' into the Foss from Tang Hall Beck.

We are so pleased that the City of York Council is going to clean the banks and river of rubbish. I often ring up the council to be told it is usually 'short of cash', or manpower.

But we have 'visitors' who always make embarrassing comments as they walk alongside the path.

It will be lovely to enjoy the wildlife again after the clean-up. Also when the Hungate Project is complete.

Mr and Mrs B & J Pettitt,

Rosemary Place, York.

Updated: 10:42 Wednesday, April 03, 2002