THINGS are looking up at the Milton Rooms with the start of a new production.

Ryedale Youth Theatre's Peter Pan takes to the air tonight in Malton.

And everyone taking part will be flying by the seat of their pants as Peter, Wendy and friends soar above and beyond the stage.

Organiser Sue Thackray said tickets for the performance, which runs from tonight to Saturday, were flying out of the box office at an impressive rate.

She said: "Tonight is the only chance for people to come along and watch the children.

"At our dress rehearsal it was just brilliant watching the children's faces as they took off.

"It is going to be really good fun."

The performances start at 7.15pm, tickets cost £6 and £5 for concessions, and are available on the door or from Jack-In-A-Box, Malton on 01653 693497.

Updated: 11:21 Wednesday, April 03, 2002