THE Tenant Farmers Association is troubled that despite the best efforts of Sir Don Curry's Policy Commission, future Government action may stifle attempts by the farming industry to return to profitability.

TFA national chairman Reg Haydon said: "The TFA believes, as a whole, the report of the Policy Commission hangs together extremely well and makes a lot of sense.

"We are worried, however, that the Government will take a piecemeal approach to implementing its recommendations. It is important that the Government does not break any links in the chain when implementing the report. We also fear that the impact of new regulations on environmental impact assessments, access to the countryside and forthcoming restrictions based on nitrate vulnerable zones will add huge costs to an industry already struggling to be profitable."

Mr Haydon added: "The TFA is very pleased with the emphasis on tenant farmers within the commission's report.

"An important aspect of the report's recommendations is a change in the definition of agriculture within tenancy legislation to bring it within the modern context. Recent court decisions have confirmed that farm tenants are restricted from participating in agri-environment and farm diversification activities, demonstrating the urgent need for change."

Updated: 16:46 Wednesday, April 03, 2002