JOHN BULL has come to York in a new exhibition of Georgian cartoons.

The symbolic character is the star attraction of The Savage Satirist, an exhibition series at Fairfax House, Castlegate, York.

John Bull And Patriotism is the first in a series of six exhibitions featuring cartoons by James Gilray. It will by on display at the house until June 2.

Fairfax House director Peter Brown said: "These 'spitting images' of their day spared no one - politicians, royalty, foreigners - with their deadly accurate aim. Every drop of venom from Gilray's poisonous pen was eagerly anticipated by a populace thirsty for gossip, rumour and scandal."

Mr Brown compared the 18th century cartoons to satirists today such as Rory Bremner, Alistair McGowan and Private Eye.

He added: "Bull is the artisan, the tradesman, the farmer, the soldier, the sailor - democracy put to work by a clever cartoonist of his time, and ours."

Updated: 16:27 Thursday, April 04, 2002