I sympathise with Mrs Joan Townsend and her party of American visitors who fled York in disgust at the sight of the plastic gnomes outside the gift shop in Goodramgate (Evening Press, March 16), because I have been subjected to the offensive sight as well.

I am not, however, surprised that the owners of the shop remain unrepentant. After all, they appear to be making money from peddling such rubbish, although the mind boggles at the type of person who buys it.

Alas, Mrs Townsend cannot look at the York Tourist Bureau for support, because although you quote Gillian Cruddas admitting that the American market is crucial to York, she accuses Mrs Townsend's visitors of over-reacting.

Perhaps Ms Cruddas needs to get her priorities right. It is her job to encourage visitors, not deter them. Is she not aware that word of mouth is the best advertisement?

No account has been taken of the fact that these people will return to America and advise their families and friends to avoid York like the plague, and these people will then pass the message on to their families and friends.

C D Lewis,

Charolais Drive,

Shaw, Swindon.

Updated: 08:54 Saturday, April 06, 2002