I NOTICE with some dismay the £3.50 "suggested donation" to go into York Minster. How long before this becomes an actual entrance fee? It would be a sad day if this were to become the case.

The right to enter a church, to worship, say a prayer, soak up the atmosphere and to find a few moments' peace should be free to all.

I have always been against charging to go into God's house.

What about the senior citizens who visit the Minster regularly, the students and people who just can't afford the entrance fee? Are they to be turned away at the door? I know a young person who goes into York Minster whenever she is in the city to light a candle for her grandmother. She would not be able to do this if there were an entrance fee to pay.

I urge the church authorities, the people of York and the Archbishop himself to strongly oppose any moves to make payment to get into York Minster obligatory.

Liz Potter,

Old Road,

Holme-on-Spalding-Moor, York.

Updated: 12:44 Tuesday, May 07, 2002