MORE than 125 guests and staff have been struck down by a sickness and diarrhoea bug at the Grand Hotel in Scarborough.

Health experts are helping to keep the illness under control and guests showing symptoms have been asked to stay in their rooms to stop any further spread.

Environmental health chiefs are still waiting for test results but early indications are that it is the airborne virus Norwalk.

The same virus caused the closure of five wards and the cancellation of non-urgent operations at York and District Hospital in April 2000. A spokesman from North Yorkshire health protection services, said the disease may have been brought into the hotel by a guest. "So far we have had 105 guests and 23 members of staff struck with the virus," he said.

"Staff have been sent home and guests are being advised to stay in their rooms while the virus runs its course."

More than 400 people are booked into the Grand in one large holiday group and are set to leave on Friday.

"The hotel will be closing for the weekend when all the guests leave and we will be assisting in carrying out a complete clean out of the hotel," said the spokesman.

Updated: 11:17 Thursday, May 09, 2002