UNEXPLAINED lights have been seen by residents in the skies above York.

A number of people have contacted the Evening Press and reported mysterious illuminations above the north east of the city.

Two residents witnessed bright white lights crossing the sky above an area between Huntington Road and Monks Cross Shopping Park.

Both people saw the long beams of light in the early hours of Saturday morning and are unable to explain their origin.

June Young, 72, of Chestnut Grove, New Earswick, watched what looked like eight searchlights for a few hours from 3am.

She said: "I'm getting on towards 73 but I'm not going crackers yet.

"It was like wartime searchlights with spaces between each of them. I couldn't see where they went because of house roofs in front of me.

"There was no noise with them and I'm totally mystified as to what they were."

Chris Poole, 74, of Stockton Lane, York, said it was like a number of light 'fingers' stretching across the sky.

Mr Poole said he watched the lights for a few minutes at about 1am on Saturday morning.

He thinks they may have been laser lights or car headlights reflected in low clouds.

He added: "I'm sure there is a simple explanation but it was eerie."

Sgt Colin Ventress of York Police said there had been no reports of unexplained lights on Saturday night.

He added that in the past unexplained lights have been found to come from parties, nightclubs or car headlights.

A spokesman for RAF Linton-on-Ouse said there were no military exercises taking place at the weekend.

Monks Cross Shopping Park manager Katherine Hague said there were no events at the centre over the weekend that could have explained the sightings.

* If you know what the lights were contact reporter Chris Greenwood on 01904 653051 or email using the above link.

Updated: 08:39 Tuesday, May 21, 2002