ONCE again you have an unbalanced leader. Our policy is not about stopping cars parking in the city centre ('This is unfair to car drivers', May 21).

You praise Park and Ride but suggest that from us it is the only choice. Yet we have invested heavily in providing safe, secure car city centre parking.

However, residents tell us they want to slash congestion and pollution in the city centre - they tell us this in our annual opinion survey and they told us that in backing the most radical options in our local transport plan. We told all this to Evening Press chief reporter Mike Laycock.

Furthermore, what about private car parks? You have not mentioned them, and 570 of the lost spaces you indicate - more than half - are on private car parks and are nothing whatsoever to do with City of York Council

If NCP's Skeldergate car park is so busy, why are they closing it? The fact is that there is very low demand in that area for parking - Tanner Row was severely under-occupied.

Maybe you are doing a news feature to look at the issues and their complexities in more depth and be fairer to us?

Neil Sterio,

Press manager,

City of York Council,

St Leonard's Place, York.

Updated: 11:06 Wednesday, May 22, 2002