YORK rugby league supporters have benefited from the generosity of computer firm Multi Comm, thanks to a little help from the Evening Press.

The award-winning newspaper informed Multi Comm boss Norman Lynch that fans were in need of a computer system on which to co-ordinate their plans to form a supporters' trust and effectively buy into the proposed new professional club, which is to apply to get back into the Rugby Football League.

A computer was needed in order to formulate a business plan, generate and store key information and keep on database all those people and potential sponsors who could help the supporters' trust and the club.

And Multi Comm, based in York, was only happy to help, donating a computer with all the necessary packages and system support the fans' body needed.

The firm basically takes used computers from companies, such as the Evening Press, and cannibalizes them to form new workable machines which are then given to schools, charities and the like. They also do repairs, home visits, upgrades, internet set-up and training.

Lynch added: "The equipment we've given to the supporters' trust includes parts taken from computers given by the Evening Press."

Fans' leader Gary Hall said: "This is a great boost to us and will be used a great deal as we set up the supporters' trust and be a professionally-run arm of the new club."

The fans are still in need of other kinds of office equipment, and all donations will be warmly welcomed.

Their plan is to raise funds to purchase 25.1 per cent of the shares in the proposed new club and therefore have a place on the board of directors.

Updated: 11:15 Saturday, May 25, 2002