AFTER reading more simplistic ramblings from Andy Bunten of the RSPB blaming farmers for 'declines in wildlife' (May 21), I feel the public should know something about this organisation which thinks it has a right to dictate the way British agriculture should go.

Rather than working with farmers, the RSPB, The Soil Association and the Ramblers promote the message that modern agriculture is some sort of bio-diversity disaster area.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) recently ruled the RSPB was in breach of advertising codes requiring honesty. RSPB leaflets had suggested all wild birds were in decline by picking out species such as blackbird and song-thrush, but in fact these species increased between 1994 and 2000.

I hope the ASA ruling will send a message to the public to question the spin of the RSPB and support the work done by farmers in quality food production and environmental improvements.

Mike Blunt,


Roecliffe, York.

Updated: 10:36 Monday, May 27, 2002