Pete Shelley and Howard Devoto last worked together in the summer of 1976, recording the Buzzcocks' classic punk EP, Spiral Scratch.

The music was faster and more aggressive then, but slightly slower second time around. Musically this is a million miles away from the halcyon days of the punk movement, more futuristic with more emphasis on the synthesisers and a 21st century sound.

The lyrics all come from the pen of Devoto and have that familiar sound and intelligent meaning. Devoto's song writing has stood the test of time, as has the music of the duo.

With this new venture for Shelley/Devoto, which sees saxophone meet synthesiser, guitar meet percussion, is it a return to the beginning or just a one-off? Whichever, it will leave its mark on the rock world.

Updated: 14:58 Thursday, May 30, 2002