Few French producers have been as influential as Etienne de Crecy in the last decade.

He contributed to the rise of Air, influenced Daft Punk, and consistently released classic tracks which led the Parisian wave.

The Super Discount project, a compilation of French talent with Etienne on production duties throughout, has been repackaged for a five-year anniversary edition, and adds new remixes and videos on an enhanced second disc.

This is unquestionably a timeless dance album, from the mellifluous electric piano and lazy beats of Air's Soldissimo and the slinky bass riffs on his own Tout Doit Disparaitre, to the tougher sounds of Alex Gopher's Super Disco and Destockage Massif.

A seminal album of mellow, disco-filtered house, it includes amusing quirks that aren't overloaded with irony. Etienne's digital soul is highly recommended.

Updated: 15:28 Thursday, May 30, 2002