STATION and clerical staff at a rail union have rejected a "final offer" from Arriva Trains Northern (ATN) to come off the picket line.

Arriva staff, represented by the Transport Salaried Staffs' Association (TSSA), have turned down a four per cent offer from the company.

The decision, taken after union bosses spent two days canvassing members, means negotiations with ATN are back tosquare one. TSSA members have been striking in protest at pay and conditions. TSSA York organiser Steve Coe said the union would have to meet with Arriva to explore new ways of ending the dispute.

But the Evening Press can reveal that Arriva has effectively shut the door on new negotiations. In a letter to Mr Coe from ATN, the company describes the four per cent deal as "a full and final offer".

Updated: 11:23 Thursday, May 30, 2002