RESIDENTS opposing plans by the North York Moors Railway to build a large complex to house and restore vintage carriages at its Pickering headquarters have lost their fight - on the casting vote of a planning committee chairman.

Confusion surrounded the voting at Ryedale District Council's northern area planning committee last night.

Chairman Coun Charles Scott first said the plan had been refused by six votes to five - but an officer said he thought the voting had actually been six-all.

The vote was taken again and did end up at six-all - then Coun Scott used his vote to give the controversial scheme approval.

One of the leading opponents of the scheme, Mike Potter, a nearby resident, told councillors: "The building will be a large unattractive industrial unit with no architectural merit whatsoever."

He added: "This eyesore is to be placed in the heart of a conservation area."

Mr Potter said that if the railway building was to go ahead, it should be well designed and built in reclaimed brick, stone and slate. "If the railway cannot find the funds for this and insist on sticking to their proposed structure, a suitable site outside the conservation area should be found."

Several councillors expressed concern about the disused railway carriages at Pickering station and as a result the district council is to take action to have the area improved.

Updated: 11:16 Thursday, June 06, 2002