AWARD-winning York street sweeper Paul Willey today told why he plans to strike.

Unison member Mr Willey, 35, from Burnholme Drive, will man the picket line with his seven-strong crew tomorrow in support of lower-paid council workers.

"I've never been on strike before so it will be a completely new experience," he said.

"Most of us maybe don't want to go on strike. I'm personally happy with my pay but I know there are people who get a lot less.

"This is not a dispute against the council but the Government."

Mr Willey's city centre crew received a prestigious award earlier this year when York was named one of the cleanest cities in the country along with Edinburgh.

He said: "I won't be shouting 'scab' at people who cross the picket line - I really hope that doesn't happen. All we can do is ask them not to cross it and put over our views.

"They have a right to go to work just as we have a right to strike. This dispute shouldn't split the council workforce in half."

Updated: 15:19 Tuesday, July 16, 2002