A SPECTACULAR labyrinth of colour was today sitting in York's Museum Gardens as the key part of the 2002 Colourscape Festival.

The labyrinth, known as the Colourscape, is just one of a number of colour and music-orientated events being staged in the city by the Colourscape group.

Anyone entering puts on a primary-coloured cape, and can then freely wander round the inside.

Musicians play in various parts of the labyrinth, while hidden loudspeakers echo the music along the coloured corridors.

A Colourscape spokesman said: "This Colourscape is new and has been specially designed for the Museum Gardens. It features a large silver space where bigger performances with dancers and larger groups of musicians can be staged."

The Colourscape will be in the gardens until August 11. Admission is £5 for adults, £2.50 for children, with reductions for Yorkcard holders.

Updated: 10:02 Saturday, August 03, 2002