PLANS to spend £2.5 million on community projects in Selby have been blasted by Tory councillors, after it was revealed that only three per cent of the cash has been spent.

The council's Labour group leader, Dean Howson, announced the community "war chest" 18 months ago, saying it would turn people's dreams into reality.

But Tory councillor Chris Metcalfe today dismissed the initiative, made just before the general and county council elections, as an "election gimmick".

He said: "Labour were using council resources to make a political statement at a time when Conservative members wanted a zero increase in council tax.

"Only a tiny proportion of the £2.5 million has been spent because there has been no strategy or action plan, although a lot of expense is going on bureaucracy in programming it.

"If we had given this money back to council taxpayers, it would have been spent locally instead of sitting in the bank."

A report by council officers says that just over £2 million has been allocated to specific projects or "themes" - but only £75,000, or three per cent, has actually been paid out.

Tory councillor Wally Norton said it was ironic that the council had still not released the vast bulk of the community cash when it had just turned down requests for annual small-scale grants from more than 20 local organisations.

He said: "We got many of these groups together at the Civic Centre to tell them how to apply for funding - and then kick them into touch."

The council's scrutiny committee has also expressed its concern about the lack of expenditure and has called for a re-allocation of the sums not yet earmarked for schemes.

Coun Howson today denied claims of an election gimmick.

He said: "We want the best our money can buy for the people of Selby district and we will not be pushed into spending this windfall hurriedly.

"We are considering funding applications from all parts of the district. The council's £2.5 million has the potential to attract a further £15 million from external sources. We think that is worth waiting for."

Updated: 14:49 Monday, August 12, 2002