AT the risk of being labelled a philistine, I found Mike Laycock's article about Hungate only semi-comprehensible, so riddled with twee jargon as it was. What on earth is "live-work housing" and what does "arts-incubator" businesses mean for goodness sake?

Will this suggested arts community produce anything worthwhile, or, more likely, bits of scrap iron cobbled together to represent some unrecognisable notion clear only to its long-skirted or bearded creator?

What a lot of nonsense is such talk when the city is faced with real problems and is incapable of solving most of them it seems.

Now, a planetarium, there's a good idea and one which will, at least, pay for itself! Even my old pal Reggie (who doesn't know his Aries from his rings of Saturn!) would pay to see that.

Add a few more homes to meet Government targets and Bob's your uncle!

Philip Fowler,

Bramble Dene,



Updated: 10:32 Tuesday, August 13, 2002