CHARITY shop managers who believe criminals are targeting their businesses in York have warned elderly customers to beware of thieves.

Workers in some of Goodramgate's seven charity shops have stepped forward to highlight the growing problem of stock theft from their stores.

They say that their customers, many of whom are elderly and infirm, are often also targeted by cowardly thieves.

The warning follows the theft of a 78-year-old woman's handbag, containing cash and house keys, from an unattended shopping trolley outside a busy charity shop on Saturday.

Joyce Humpleby, who has suffered two strokes and receives regular visits from care workers, was visiting the MIND charity shop when her handbag was snatched.

Mrs Humpleby, a former laundry worker from Lawrence Street, said she was "trembling from head to foot" when she discovered the theft.

She said: "I often visit charity shops because they are for a good cause. It was an awful feeling when I realised what had happened."

Volunteer workers at the MIND shop helped Mrs Humpleby after the incident and offered to call the police.

Manager Nicola Clemit, said the theft had highlighted the dangers some shoppers face, particularly older people.

York Police confirmed that over four thefts from elderly people at charity shops in Goodramgate have been reported so far this month.

Updated: 11:37 Tuesday, August 13, 2002