LEADING York RL fan Gary Hall has urged all supporters to buy membership of the city's new professional club, saying it offers 'excellent value for money'.

He also says the York public should jump on the ship now while the highly regarded Steve Ferres is at the helm.

Hall, a leading member of the supporters' trust, has laid down the facts surrounding the club, which needs to have in the bank £75,000 before August 31, without which a ball will not be kicked.

As reported by the Evening Press, the plan is to raise this money by offering membership to the club at £250 per year - which is available by standing order at less than £5 per week - while there are also discounts for pensioners and groups.

"We expect to be able to give outstanding value for money for members," said Hall. "The aim is to give them more than the value of the £250, and they get an input into something that's unique.

"Membership will include free admission to games, free entry for a child, plus other benefits currently being negotiated.

"We expect to give excellent benefits - already members will get cheap beer from the stadium bar, discount on entry to Waterworld and a free seven-day trial at Courtney's Gym."

Breaking it down, a season ticket is valued at £120 per year and children's admission is valued at £35 per year, which totals £155.

It is expected that members will be able to glean more than £95 - and therefore top the £250 mark - with discounts from other benefits associated with membership.

"The £250 will not simply be a donation," added Hall. "We will be giving members a lot in return for their money, as well as the knowledge that they have contributed to making this club a success."

A full list of benefits has not yet been revealed, but they include a big saving at Courtney's via the free trial; a two-for-one deal at Waterworld, saving more than £3 a time; 25 per cent off all functions held in the stadium bar; and massive discounts on drinks at the bar.

As for Ferres, who will be the chief executive of the club should it prove a goer, Hall added: "The new club has in Steve Ferres one of the most respected people in the game.

"Steve has been chief executive at Super League club Wakefield, coached Huddersfield to promotion into Super League, and coached Hunslet from second from bottom of the Northern Ford Premiership to champions.

"He's also played in a championship winning side at Bradford and had a playing spell at York.

"There is no reason why his successes cannot be repeated at York."

Hall, like Ferres before him, stressed the new club had no connection with the defunct York Wasps.

"The Wasps ceased to exist on March 19 this year," he said. "The situation now is that a new club from York - with no ties to the Wasps - has been accepted to join the Rugby Football League next season with the proviso that £75,000 is in the bank by August 31."

Updated: 12:11 Wednesday, August 14, 2002