IT is absolutely outrageous that tax payers are facing yet another hike in council tax (August 15). A rise of more than 6.2 per cent after this year's hike of 6.88 per cent is robbery!

That is along with £2.5 million of spending cuts - where on earth do they get their figures from?

More to the point, what do we get for our money? The answer is very little. What about the roads that need resurfacing in areas such as Woodthorpe which regularly hold standing water?

And, to add insult to injury, our councillors have the nerve to put in for more expenses. We should all bear that in mind next time the elections come around.

Colin Henson,

Moorcroft Road,

Woodthorpe, York.

...IF, as has been stated, councillors are to be paid more to attract the right sort of candidates, doesn't this suggest that those willing to accept the previous pittance were the wrong sort?

William Dixon Smith,

Welland Rise, York.

Updated: 10:24 Monday, August 19, 2002