I agree with Keith Chapman (Letters, August 26) about the need to look at the whole picture about driving.

When I was practising before taking my advanced driving test, I was always taught to keep both hands on the wheel at all times, except when changing gear. Surely this is the rule everyone should be following to ensure safer driving.

I also agree with all the letters you have recently printed complaining about speed humps. If the few speeding drivers were given hefty fines in order to deter others, then law-abiding drivers would not need to risk damage to their cars.

It's a pity, too, that the speed humps outside schools cannot be 'rising' ones (like the famous bollards) since the times that children are actually coming or going to school amounts to about two hours per day, five days a week and maybe 40 weeks a year.

I rarely go past my local school when children are around.

Jean Weston,

Lycett Road,

Dringhouses, York.

Updated: 10:29 Thursday, August 29, 2002