YORK Rugby League Club are desperate for one final push to reach their £75,000 promised land.

The club's appeal to have the necessary £75,000 in the bank before tomorrow's deadline so that they can return to the Rugby Football League next season has edged closer to its target.

Today the Kick-Start York RL appeal had inched just over the £70,000 mark.

Declared chief executive in waiting Steve Ferres: "We are almost there, but we still need just short of £5,000.

"That means we only need another 20 people to take up memberships or 40 people to buy season tickets.

"The response has been great, but we still need that one final push.

Prospective boss Paul Broadbent said he has been impressed with the optimism surrounding the new club.

Broadbent, the current Wakefield Trinity captain, is set to take over as York player-coach next season should the club get the finances in place to be admitted to the league.

And, although the new outfit have little time to hit the necessary target, Broadbent said he expected things to go forward.

"You can feel there's a positive vibe about the place," he told the Evening Press following this week's public meeting of fans at Huntington Stadium.

"Having that kind of enthusiasm about the place and in the people involved is a real positive."

The former Great Britain international, 34, received a big ovation when he was introduced to supporters at the meeting.

He added: "The commitment the fans have shown in raising the amount of money they have done shows they are passionate about having a professional rugby league club in the city."

Page 26 - Opportunity knocks; Fund-raising the next step and how to contribute your cash.

Updated: 12:13 Friday, August 30, 2002