MANY doubted they could do it. But those determined to resurrect professional rugby league in York raised the £75,000 they needed by the August 31 deadline - with hours to spare.

Tadcaster brewer John Smith's deserves the thanks of every York sports fan for coming up with the final £5,000.

We are delighted to have played a part by brokering this historic deal.

As the club's boss-in-waiting Steve Ferres knows, the hard work has just begun.

He is now targeting businesses to raise another £175,000.

But by meeting the fundraising deadline, Steve, and all the fans who contributed, has proved there is genuine grassroots desire for a York rugby club. This makes the club an altogether more attractive proposition for potential sponsors.

With new management sparking fresh enthusiasm from fans, this really is a new start for rugby league in York.

Updated: 10:43 Monday, September 02, 2002