A DISABLED York woman says she has been left in pain after trying to maintain her own garden - because she claims she cannot get help from the council.

Jacqueline Ellerton, 43, from Pottery Lane, says she takes a lot of pride in her house and garden and does not want to leave it to become overgrown.

But she says despite repeated phone calls to City of York Council she cannot get anyone to help her to fill in the forms needed to get help, and so is left to struggle on her own.

She said: "It is not a mess at the moment because I have a lot of pride. I think if you have a garden you should keep it nice so I struggle on my own.

"It hurts me to do it because I am ill, but if I do not keep on top it will end up like a field."

Jacqueline, who lives on her own, was registered as disabled in May this year. Although she can walk she has problems with her back and finds it difficult to bend down. She takes pain killers daily and has regular physiotherapy treatment.

When regularly maintaining her garden started to leave her in agony she obtained forms from the council to notify them she needed help.

But she claims, despite phoning the council three times within a week to help her fill in the forms, no-one has contacted her.

This means, to prevent her garden becoming overgrown, she has to carry out the work herself.

She said: "The council have told me I have to keep my garden nice. I want to keep it nice but nobody will help me."

A spokeswoman for City of York Council said: "Mrs Ellerton contacted us last Friday asking for assistance with the garden and we have sent her out the forms.

"Her normal estate manager is on holiday and someone is covering. They will be in touch to arrange to come out next week and help her complete the forms."

Updated: 08:27 Tuesday, September 03, 2002