ROCK solid. Queens Of The Stone Age do exactly as they say on the tin, laying concrete slab of noise upon concrete slab of noise to leave your stereo creaking and your mind spinning.

It's dark, sometimes very dark, and the burning intensity ensures Songs For The Deaf is no easy listen.

But with their mellower moments there's also a sense of cunning and certain quality about the Queens that make them stand apart from the also-rans of nu-metal.

Imagine the Foo-Fighters having dined on raw steak for a month and you get the picture, which is perhaps not surprising given the fact Nirvana skin-pounder and legendary Foo-Fighter Dave Grohl is behind the drum kit.

Compared to QOTSA, the likes of Papa Roach are just playing with their toys. This is an album for grown-ups, these are the daddies and Songs For The Deaf is the mother of all albums.

Updated: 09:48 Thursday, September 05, 2002