Q I can't get any help for the pains in my feet which have been getting worse over the years. It's like terrible toothache right under the ball of my foot after a day on my feet. Can you help?

A The feet are the commonest parts of the body to get arthritis unfortunately, and it's only when they hurt that people realise how important these most neglected parts of the body are. So you have my sympathy.

I guess you've tried painkillers, foot massagers and so on. Have you tried reflexology for some relief?

The pain you're describing is often caused by falling arches which is one of those things that happens to all of us as our birthday collection grows. The foot is actually a very complex and sophisticated multi-layered structure and as it flattens out tissues get stretched and strained and this can give rise to chronic pain.

I recommend that you try arch supports to counteract the falling arch effect. This simple measure very often prevents a lot of suffering. The Scholl shop is very good but if you don't get any help there your GP can set you up with an appointment at the orthopaedic appliances department to get you fitted with a pair.

Updated: 08:46 Monday, October 07, 2002