BUSINESSES in greater York area are being offered a free opportunity to learn how they can benefit from the "excellence model" at the city's Barbican Centre tomorrow evening.

The seminar is being organised by Excellence Yorkshire, a not-for-profit organisation, whose aim is to raise the performance and competitiveness of ventures across the region and lasts from 5.45pm until 8pm.

Thousands of organisations throughout the UK now use the model originally developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management to help to plan, deliver improvements and monitor progress through regular self-assessment.

Speakers from Smith Smalley Architects, South Yorkshire Police and Teal Consulting will share their experiences of using the model and demonstrate how organisations can profit from the experience at the York event.

Jim Tullie, continuous improvement manager at Tibbett and Britten, the world's seventh largest logistics firm and director of Excellence Yorkshire, said: "This is an ideal opportunity for businesses large or small to gain awareness of the excellence model. It provides a great framework for driving improvement in the workplace." The excellence model is a practical tool designed to help organisations establish an appropriate management system. Companies are encouraged to measure where they are on the path to excellence, where gaps occur and investigate possible solutions. All sectors of the company make-up are monitored, including performance, customers, processes, resources and people, with success achieved only through clear direction and leadership.

For further details please contact Dianne Greaves at Excellence Yorkshire on 01274 539596.

Updated: 12:06 Tuesday, October 08, 2002