BAD weather failed to deter protesters who gathered at the North Yorkshire U.S. spy base at Menwith Hill to demonstrate against any war with Iraq.

A heavy police presence met the 100 or so protesters, of all ages, who demonstrated outside the American base near Harrogate on Saturday afternoon.

The event was organised by Lindis Percy and Anni Rainbow, from the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases.

People came from as far afield as Hull, Sheffield and Norfolk to show their feelings against the American Star Wars programme and a possible U.S.-led attack on Iraq.

Speakers included Liberal Democrat MEP Diana Wallis, and the Labour MP for Keighley, Ann Cryer.

Christine Dean, who had travelled from Otley to be at the protest, said she was very concerned about the Star Wars programme and the fact that the base was pivotal in any war.

She said: "I am desperately concerned for my daughters and my granddaughters and for everybody else's children."

Richard Hargreaves, from the Grassington and District Peace Group, encouraged people to support Americans in opposing a war in Iraq.

He said: "Anyone who has friends in the States, as many people do feel strongly over there, should write and support them."

Francis Jones, from the Leeds Coalition Against War, said: "There are an awful lot of people that feel strongly about these issues. It is not good sitting at home and worrying about it. You have to get out and do something."

Anni Rainbow said the demonstration had gone reasonably well and it had been particularly encouraging to see so many young people.

She said: "It was quite good to see young people getting involved. So often it is the same faces, it is very encouraging that they care.

"All in all it was a reasonably successful day, and if it raises the issues, that is the important thing."

Updated: 11:01 Monday, October 14, 2002